As the velocity and stress of modern life is rising, more and more people are struggling with autoimmune disorders or chronic pain. At the same time, we came to believe that everything can be cured by pills and medical interventions and have created a dichotomy believing that our minds and bodies are separate. Our intangible psychology and our bodies are intimately connected and our emotional life can have a “real-world” effect, expressing itself through our bodies. In fact, some particular psychological and personality traits are risk factors for filtering emotions and actions through the lens of chronic pain or autoimmune disorders.
Do you struggle with the following?
– Ailments that are known to be related to psychological distress such as disorders of the GI tract? Migraines? Certain autoimmune disorders? Chronic pain condition? Hypertension?
– Tend to overanalyze or intellectualize emotions?
– Think emotions are frivolous or that you should “save face” and be strong all the time?
– Are quick to judge others? (this is an indication of possibly projecting unwanted emotions or feelings onto others)
– Meet criteria for tension-prone personality- i.e overly responsible, conscientious, virtuous, perfectionistic or self-critical?
– Tend to take care of others and known to be selfless?
– Overly reliant on your most dominant character trait?
If you answered yes to some of these questions and are dealing with medically unexplained chronic pain or autoimmune disorders, it’s possible that your psychological immune system is depleted and thus your body is reacting to that.
It is estimated that 90% of all physiological problems have psychological roots.
That may sound like a gross exaggeration, but it’s probably, in fact, a conservative estimate. A growing body of evidence is showing that virtually every illness that befalls the body- from acne, to arthritis, headaches to heart disease, cold sores to cancer, is influenced, for better or worse, by our emotions. Read more in our Psychological Immune System blog.
Trained by Dr. Sarno’s approach (Psychophysiological Disorders Therapy- PPDT) and using our trauma informed lens, we can easily spot when our clients might be avoiding dealing with uncomfortable truths (“I am angry at my children) and we are aware that the brain can then shift the focus from having that thought/emotion to experiencing pain. Dr. John Sarno actually says that our brain distracts us from experiencing negative emotions by creating pain.
We believe in a mind, body and spirit approach to wellness and take a whole person/holistic view when it comes to our overall wellness.
Following specialized psychotherapeutic treatment in this area, people have reported:
– Their physical pain/issue was the wake up call they needed to explore their psychology and their relationship with their emotions
– Have found freedom from chronic pain or autoimmune disorders
– Lack of menses has returned after almost a decade of hormonal imbalance (when the medical model failed)
..and more.
Like Dr. Joe Dispenza says:
” Since the body doesn’t know the difference between an experience and a thought, you can literally change your biology, neuroscience-circuitry, chemistry, hormones and genes, simply by having an inner event.”
We are ready to partner with you to journey into your psychological landscape/the environment in which your body functions and find the inner healer inside of you.