Change is inevitable. We don’t always notice as it occurs in the passing of time and small shifts in the air, or it can come all at once out of the blue. We often pay the most attention to it when we’re the ones crossing the threshold—through a rite of passage or significant milestone. And in the commotion of these events we tend to forget just how uncomfortable change can be. How easy it can become to doubt ourselves, feel pressured to achieve, or fixate on someone else’s standards. Life transitions and changes can come in all forms throughout our lifetime. Anything from:
- Empty Nest Syndrome
- Graduating college
- Marriage
- Births/Starting a Family
- New Jobs or Career Path
- Job loss
- Divorce/Breakups
- Retirement
- A New Diagnosis
- Moving/Relocating
- Grief/Loss
Changes such as these can sometimes disrupt our normal coping mechanisms and require something new from us. Sometimes, changes in eating or sleeping patterns may occur, as well as depressed or anxious mood, changes in daily habits, increased use of drugs/alcohol and overwhelming stress or panic.
If you are feeling like your world has been turned upside down and are going through emotional discomfort, fear or mourning, know that our brains are set up to resist change and to value predictability. As licensed counselors, we are equipped to help navigate uncharted waters with you and find ways to not only find your footing, but to feel like you are the director of your own life again.