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New Jersey therapist

Our approach to psychotherapy is rooted in three perspectives: Buddhism/Eastern and ancient wisdom traditions, transpersonal psychology and epigenetics.  According to Buddhist teachings, mindfulness is the experience of bringing one’s attention within, to a moment by moment awareness of being present and non-attached to outcome, in which each thought, feeling and experience is accepted without added interpretation or judgment.  

New Jersey therapist

The field of transpersonal psychology is concerned with expanding the frontiers of psychology and spirituality for the betterment of humanity and the sustainability of the planet. Traditional psychology is interested in a continuum of human experience and behavior ranging from severe dysfunction, mental and emotional illness at one end, to what is generally considered normal, healthy behavior at the other end and various degrees of normal and maladjustment in between. Transpersonal psychology, however, and the way we practice, focuses on a full spectrum psychology that encompasses traditional psychology and then goes beyond it towards an expansion of consciousness and transcendent human experience: exceptional human functioning, non-ordinary experiences, performances and achievements, true genius and the nature and meaning of mystical experiences (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology).


New Jersey therapist

Epigenetics is the field of study that has begun to reflect the reality of what Eastern cultures have known; that what determines gene expression is not the gene itself, but the environment/energy around the gene. Epigenetic factors include emotion, environment, spirituality, physical health and interpersonal relationships amongst others, and posits that if we change our energetic field we can change our health. One way to do this is through the EMDR protocol which changes the energetic field around our trauma. In fact, Francine Shapiro, the revered founder of EMDR, has noted that early trauma in childhood affects health down the road.  

At Mindfully Alive, our mission is to provide a multi-dimensional context for psychological healing through the integration of ancient wisdom traditions, epigenetics, EMDR, expanded awareness, mind-body-spirit coherence and spiritual growth towards the fulfillment of our highest potentials as human beings. As one develops their psychology and accesses their own inner healer, they naturally will develop in all areas of life. According to Ken Wilber who is often referred to as the “Einstein of Consciousness studies”, the highest level of development is what he calls the integral self or the interconnection to all living things. He goes on to say that 8% of the world is at that level now, and in our lifetime, we can get to 15% which could be an evolutionary tipping point. We are humbled to walk alongside your transformational journey as a partner in removing any psychological barriers to your true inner genius, creativity and inner power.

Grounded in the merging of the above philosophies, we seek to serve your mental health needs in the Northern New Jersey area with the following areas of practice: 

New Jersey therapist

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” – Carl Jung

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” – Carl Jung 

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.”- Marianne Williamson

“When you shut down emotion, you’re also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So the repression of emotion, which is a survival strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on.” – Gabor Maté

“You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.” – Wayne Dyer 

“You meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it.”- Carl Jung


“The relationship you have with yourself affects all the others.”

“Anything that’s “wrong” with you began as a survival mechanism in childhood.” – Dr. Gabor Maté


EMDR has two very important strengths that differentiate it from all other modalities: (1) it rapidly and completely uncovers past traumatic events that have been repressed or only partially remembered, and (2) it allows for the processing of the memory so that the reliving component is eliminated and the person can then remember the traumatic event in a more abstract and emotionally detached way, thus shifting internal paradigms or beliefs created about one self. 

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Mindfulness is the state of being present, without judgment in every moment.  Mindfulness is a form of radical acceptance- the opposite of resignation or defeat. It means that we can turn our faces to the wind and accept that this is the storm we must pass through. The acceptance of reality is the only place from which change can happen. We cannot succeed by denying what is. Acceptance allows us to engage with life on life’s terms- versus how we prefer it to be.

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The growth mindset  insists that skills and intelligence can be improved with effort and persistence. It encourages us to embrace challenges, to persist through obstacles, to welcome feedback and seek out inspiration in others’ success. If we don’t believe we can grow, we’re probably not going to take action in the direction of something new, something not yet known. We risk remaining stagnant, status quo, “comfortable”.

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At the heart of our work are relationships in all forms. Our work with people seeking insight into the constellation of emotions of relating to each other produces the ability to allow oneself to be seen, to see the other, and to allow for emotional literacy and understanding.

With a relational approach in mind, we are aware of attachment patterns both in ourselves as therapists (and human) and in the people we work with. Connection and vulnerability are the cornerstones of emotional growth and we strive to create the container for relational safety. 

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Developed by Richard Schwartz, IFS has become a sought after model of treatment for both clients and therapists alike. This evidenced-based transformational model, posits that when we experience trauma, we split up from the Self into ‘parts’ in order to survive. One part serves as the role of protector, while the others will remain hidden causing an internal conflict/dissonance or relational chaos. This model, also looks at coping behaviors that are unhealthy (such as substance abuse, over-working, etc) as a systems-based issue, versus only focusing on the symptom itself. 

All of our therapists are IFS informed and ready to assist in healing the underlying wound by restoring balance to the system. 

Let’s work together!


“Highly recommend! Very professional and they specialize with mindfulness and teaching coping skills.”

~ Client who found relief

“Absolutely phenomenal. Mindfully Alive has become a contributor to our online baseball and softball coaching certification ( program due to  their level of expertise in mental preparedness. The best in the industry.”

~Pleased with Mindfully Alive’s Contribution

“I started with Mindfully Alive almost a year ago when I was a few months into a new relationship. As a single mom, business owner and now girlfriend,  I was really struggling with anxiety, how to find balance in my life but also how to understand myself and my wants and needs.  My therapist has been my lifeline. She has allowed me a safe place to be vulnerable, share my thoughts and feelings without judgement and to help me work though some of the things that I have been struggling with that I wasn’t even aware of.  I look forward to our weekly sessions because her kindness, knowledge and guidance help me to not only navigate my daily life but on my journey through life”

~ Pleased Client 

“I never thought that I would need counseling. I am a strong independent person who always kept my emotions in check. I was always someone who would consult with “myself” when ever a problem came up. However, life tends to overwhelm us, even the strongest of us, and I needed someone who would “talk back”. Mindfully Alive was referred to me by someone I trust, and made time for me when I needed it. Why do I pay to talk to my therapist at Mindfully Alive? Because she is someone I can talk to about all of my thoughts without guilt, judgement, or pressure. Every part of my life I thought I was controlling on my own I have found much relief when speaking with my therapist about. She is down-to-earth, real, and genuine. She listens to you, learns your entire situation, and remembers it. What is “Mindfully Alive”? To me, it’s understanding how my specific mind works, tackling those thoughts I only express to myself, and creating strategies that help Me through the things that are taking up so much of my mind’s space. I highly recommend Mindfully Alive; and hope anyone going through a major life crisis speak with a Licensed Professional Counselor, no matter how strong you may think they are.”

~Grateful Client 


Our Philosophy

Psychotherapy is an inward journey which demands a context centered around an authentic and genuine partnership. We meet the courage it takes to begin self work with grace, dignity and respect and we treat this with utmost care and professionalism.

We have come to understand that in order to do this craft well, it requires something of who we are. At Mindfully Alive we fully understand that we are invited into the most delicate aspects of a person’s life and that is something that we consider to be sacred. Therapy is both an art and a science, and we believe in a conscious, effective, and meaning based process to work towards your definition of a fulfilling and balanced life. We’re extremely dedicated and passionate about the work and we know that every now and then, a caring, professional witness to our lives can lead to tremendous personal evolution.
