Panic attacks are scary. They can come out of the blue and feels as though a heart attack is about to happen.
The physical sensations work with the mind to create a state of fear and activate our body’s natural fight or flight response. In this moment we tend to breathe very fast and shallow, only from the upper chest area, restricting air flow to the brain and to the cells in our body.
In order to combat this scary phenomenon, we have to learn to induce a state of calm and relaxation in our bodies and mind on purpose; with intention.
Anxiety and panic occur from fear of uncertainty, of what could be happening and our minds are great at trying to identify the most scary of possibilities (heart attack, going “crazy”, “losing my mind”).
The alternative to fear, is a sense of control, a sense of power and this can be targeted with slow, deliberate breaths from the abdomen- Check out the link below!
We are meant to experience a certain level of anxiety because we have to be aware and alert in order to avoid accidents, mistakes, etc. The problem is that we may begin to have anxiety about another panic attack, and thus the cycle begins.
When anxiety levels are heightened and produce actual panic attacks, it becomes important to look at the core cause of what is happening, and this can be done with a trusted professional therapist, because there is an identifiable source to the feeling, even if that is not yet clear.
In the meantime, check out the podcasts posted below, for free relaxation scrips to help increase feelings of content, relaxation, gratitude and a general sense of control. Happy Relaxation!
Visualization Relaxation: Beach Relaxation
Relaxation scripts are available for free from Visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenics, deep breathing, and more… these free relaxation scripts guide you to relax your body and mind.
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